To implement the three vocations for the Order, spirituality, charity and tradition, the Grand Master uses the power entrusted to him by the General Chapter and confirmed by the Protectors. In order achieve this he may delegate power by appointing Grand Officers, members of the Grand Magistry and Heads of Jurisdiction in the countries where the Order operates.
Constitutional Charter, article 20 §10
The Government of the Order:
The Grand Master is the supreme commander of the Order.
The Grand Magistry assists him.
The Constitutional Council interprets the rules, statutes and the Constitutional Charter of the Order. It arbitrates disputes between branches of government, the Jurisdictions and members.
The Governing Council represents the national Jurisdictions.
The General Chapter allows the delegates to express the views of the members.
Constitutional Charter, article 19
The Grand Master
The Grand Master is the supreme commander of the Order. He is elected at the General Chapter by an absolute majority. He must be a member of the Order, a Catholic in good standing with the Catholic Church and the heir to a noble family. He remains in office until the day of Pentecost in the year of its 75th birthday. He then becomes the Grand Master Emeritus.
The Grand Master is the legal representative of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem and ensures three vocations of the Order: spirituality, charity and tradition. He works for the development and prosperity of the Order. In this he is assisted by members of the Grand Magistry.
During his installation ceremony, the Grand Master vows: “I solemnly promise before Almighty God to honor, respect and observe at all times the holy commandments and assure that they are maintained, honored and observed to the best of my powers; to administer and manage loyally and faithfully the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem as befits the office and dignity of Grand Master; to respect the Constitutional Charter, the internal regulation, the Statutes and customs of the Order and to ensure that all members respect them; with the help of God.”
The Grand Master uses the power entrusted by the General Chapter and confirmed by the Protectors. He may delegate this authority by naming Grand Officers, members of the Grand Magistry and Heads of Jurisdiction in the countries where the Order operates.
Only the Grand Master himself has the authority to admit or promote a Knight, a Dame or a priest in the Order. Nobody can be admitted to the Order if the Grand Master objects.
The new Grand Master of the Order, H.R.H. Prince François d’Orléans, Count of Dreux, after his election to the Extraordinary Grand Chapter General, took the oath in the Maredsous Abbey Church during a solemn and formal ceremony attended by many members of the Order.
The Grand Magistry
The Grand Master of the Order of Saint Lazarus assumes the functions given to a Master General or an Abbot General of a religious order, as he has done throughout the history of the Order. In this role he is supported by members of the Order whom he appoints as advisers at the international level, giving them the title of Grand Officers: they form the Grand Magistry.
The role of the Grand Magistry is to allow the Grand Master to fulfill his task of implementing the three ends of the Order: to help the most disadvantaged, to contribute to Christian unity and to maintain the traditions of chivalry.
The Grand Prior Spiritual
In respect of ecumenism and Christian unity, the Grand Prior Spiritual implements the spiritual guidance provided by the Grand Master in accord with the wishes of the Spiritual Protector. The Grand Prior Spiritual writes spiritual messages, text for reflection; he also offers retreats and pilgrimages.
The Grand Prior Spiritual is The Right Reverend Abbot Bernard Lorent O.S.B. - Belgium
The Grand Chancellor
Assists the Grand Master. Within the Order, he ensures that the advice of the Grand Officers, in the Grand Magistry, and the Heads of Jurisdiction is in line with the objectives and values of the Order. In conjunction with the Grand Master and in accordance with the Constitutional Charter, the Grand Chancellor prepares and implements all decrees. He ensures their strict enforcement. The Grand Chancellor runs the day to day business of the order.
The Grand Chancellor is His Excellency Chevalier Thierry Pauquet de Villejust - United States of America
The Grand Capitular
He maintains the traditions of the Order, consulting on the Order’s history and tradition. He conducts research, drafts reference documents and maintains the archives. The Grand Capitular is consulted for guidance in the drafting of rules and statutes, ceremonials, the creation or modification of insignia, uniforms and flags, standards and banners.
The Grand Capitular is His Excellency Lieutenant-Colonel (ret) Philippe Jourdain - France
The Grand Treasurer
She manages the finances which are essential for the proper functioning of the government of the Order. She also provides the financial resources of the Order and the management of all property, movable and immovable. She controls all the international contributions, the funds of the Grand Magistry, the annual budgeting and ensures a solid programme for risk prevention.
The Grand Treasurer is Her Excellency Dame Jean Moore - United States of America
The Grand Hospitaller
He implements charitable activities of the Order, representing one of the major objectives of the Order today. He is in contact with all the Hospitallers of various national Jurisdictions to coordinate their activities. He works on international projects and provides a valuable contact with various international institutions to carry out the Order’s charitable projects.
The Grand Hospitaller is His Excellency Chief of Division Sven Dobler - France / United States of America
The Grand Secretary
He sets up and monitors all administrative functions of the Order to allow it to operate well. He provides an administrative contact, distributes information, collects requests for admission and promotion, keeps a record of all members of the Order, forwards announcements to the Jurisdictions, including decrees and brevets, monitors the manufacture and creation of insignia and the preparation of international events of the Order.
The Grand Secretary is His Excellency Chevalier André Heitz - France
The Grand Ceremoniaire
He is the Head of Protocol; ensuring that the various international ceremonies abide by the historic customs of the Order and are in the spirit of chivalry. The Master of Ceremonies maintains the protocol manual, and is a real technical guide for all national or international meetings of the Order. He also gives instructions on the wearing of uniforms, insignia and decorations.
The Grand Ceremoniaire is His Excellency Chevalier Audry Huguet du Lorin - France
President of the Governing Council
He is elected by the Heads of Jurisdiction and confirmed by the Grand Master. He represents the Heads of Jurisdiction in the Grand Magistry and thus ensures the essential flow of communication from the Grand Magistry to the Jurisdictions and from the Jurisdictions to the Grand Magistry.
The President of the Governing Council is His Excellency Chevalier Peter von Jess - United States of America
The Grand Visitor
He visits and establishes contacts with countries in which the Order is not yet established or where it is not currently recruiting. He may also be entrusted with specific missions relating to the development of the Order.
The Office of the Grant Visitor is Currently Vacant
The Governing Council
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
The Governing Council is the representative body of the Heads of Jurisdiction to facilitate dialogue and decision making between the Grand Master, the Grand Magistry and the members of the Order. It transmits and explains the decisions of the Grand Master and Grand Magistry. The Governing Council informs the Grand Master and the Grand Magistry, of all questions and concerns of the members of the Order in each Jurisdiction.
Thus the Governing Council plays an important role in order to allow all members from each of the Jurisdictions to understand and adopt the decisions of the Grand Master and express their questions or concerns.
The Governing Council is the natural vehicle of communication within the Order. This communication must go through the Jurisdictions to the Grand Master and from the Grand Master to the Jurisdictions.
The Governing Council is convened by the Grand Master, by its President or at the request of two thirds of its members.
Members of the Governing Council are:
The Magistral Commanderie of Belgium and Luxembourg of Belgium and Luxembourg - The Right Reverend Abbot Bernard Lorent O.S.B.
The Grand Priory of Bohemia - H.E. Baron Richard Podstatsky-Thonsern z Prusinovic
The Magistral Commanderie of Costa Rica - H.E. Chevalier Emmanuel Mora Iglesias
The Grand Priory of France - H.R.H. Prince François d’Orléans, comte de Dreux
The Grand Priory of Great Britain - H.E. Chevalier Anthony Dickenson
The Grand Priory of Hungary - H.E. Révérend Père Árpád Stipitz
The Grand Priory of Monaco - H.E. Chevalier Jean-Pierre Campana
The Grand Priory of the Netherlands - H.E. Chevalier Martino Neuman
The Grand Priory of Portugal - H.E. Chevalier Francisco Fonseca da Silva, the Marquis of Ervededo
The Grand Priory of Poland - H.E. Chevalier Krystof Polanski-Lipinski
The Grand Priory of Spain - H.E. Chevalier Enrique Castelló-Soler
The Grand Priory of the United States - H.E. Chevalier Peter von Jess *
* President of the Governing Council
Legal advice is essential for a modern international Order. The Constitutional Council is a recent creation, arising from the desire to preserve the legal integrity of the Order as part of its global harmonization.
The Constitutional Council is responsible for the interpretation of the Constitutional Charter, regulations and ordinances of the Order. It monitors the electoral process, judges the discussions and verifies the legal texts in conformity with the traditions and character of the Order.
Members of the Constitutional Council are:
H.E. Chevalier Lt-Col Phillipe Jourdain - France *
H.E. Chevalier Jan Anema - Netherlands
H.E. Chevalier Count Paolo Vandelli-Bulgarelli - Italy
H.E. Chevalier Bernard Wolff - United States of America
H.E. Chevalier Ryfzard Mazurkiewicz - Poland
* President of the Constitutional Council
Secretariat of the Grand Chancellery
Functions as the support staff for the Grand Chancellor and assists in the areas of technology, communications, procurement, and other essential operations to the day to day workings of the Grand Magistry.
Secretary General - H.E. Chev. Matthew G. Jackson - Great Britain
Superintendent of the Grand Armory - H.E. Chev. Dcn. Robert Klesko - United States of America
Superintendent of Technology & Communications - M. Frère Servant Tomáš Vobořil - United States of America