The Cavaliers
Saint Lazarus Volunteer Corps
Mission Statement
The Saint Lazarus Volunteers Corps effectively leverages the Order’s human, monetary and material resources to help promote the ancient and noble order’s historic mission of mercy and care by serving poor, sick, distressed and persecuted people everywhere regardless of their race, religion, or culture. The Auxiliary focuses its efforts on the order’s ancient hospitaller and military roots by supporting the Order’s hospital, hospice, lazar-house and other medical services to fight diseases of the body, soul, and the mind. It sallies forth again, as a militia of servant warriors clad in the shining armor of hope but wielding symbolic swords and spears of justice to battle a growing range of humanitarian crises in a world too often marked by darkness and despair. The Auxiliary seeks fresh ways to provide aid in the Christian spirit of a united brotherhood-sisterhood. It extends the order’s capacity to develop whole community partnerships with other people and groups to achieve its chivalric, charitable and hospitaller goals.
Recognizing that our volunteers’ time and talent are crucial resources, the order will do its best to select and support good servant-leaders who can maximize the meaningful contributions made by a diverse and inclusive group volunteer followers through good human and material resource stewardship that benefits the order and humanity by building a culture of chivalric courtesy, camaraderie, meaningful purpose, social engagement and fun.
To fight for a world where every person is free from hunger, unjust suffering, cruel exploitation, malicious coercion, callous neglect, heartless abandonment, and unattended health needs.
Enhance capabilities of The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem to achieve its hospitaller and other humanitarian missions by developing a source of additional personnel and talent who may not, by preference, professional or other qualifications be as yet eligible for, or be interested in pursuing the burdens of regular membership in the order.
The Volunteer auxiliary is open to a diverse pool of Christian citizens or resident aliens over the age of 18 and who are recommended by members of the order or by a known member of the auxiliary as approved by the Local Grand Prior or his or her designates. There are no other educational or skills qualifications beyond that being of good moral character and having a desire to help those in need and to grow the order.
Apply to Join The Volunteer Corps NOW:
Members of the Volunteer Corps are titled “Cavalier” - a mounted, non-knight chevalier - and receive an official Brevet and a Decoration issued by the Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. Initial membership due is $120. The annual renewal fee is $95 each new calendar year. Renewal fees are due no later than January 31st, with each new calendar year.